Saturday, July 4, 2009

Landons Science Camp Trip to Florida

Landon was given the opportunity to go to Florida in May for a week long science trip. I'm not sure if he was more excited to experience Orlando or just to be on a plane. It was a little scary for me, his mom, to send him states away with a bunch of over 14 yr olds and only 2 adults, but he made it home safe and sound. He was given a camera and STRICT INSTRUCTIONS to take all the pictures in the camera.... I think he managed to take 4 or 5... none that came out.. So, here are a few from the airport, and from a friends camera.

Landon.. posing for the camera as usual..

Kennedy Space Center

Disney World

Landon with his buddy..."the snake"

The group of kids that went to Florida

Landon leaving for Florida on the midnight flight

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